Wednesday, September 12, 2012


When all else fails.. there's still God.

Cliche to say this? Maybe. But I believe it wholeheartedly. I know that I still have such a long way to go on my journey of life. There are a lot of things God still has for me that I have yet to meet. 

It hit me today as I was driving to school. A realization I've had a few times before. I was taking in all of the elements of the beautiful morning as I drove past people, places, and other fellow drivers. I realized that today is truly its own. Tomorrow will be much different, and the proceeding as well. It made me wonder how many times I simply let a day pass me by. God made each day unique.. Every day has a new purpose. This realization was not a sorrowful one, but instead a very insightful epiphany. 

We have the power to make an impression on the lives of people around us. God has given us the gift of speech.. of writing. There are so many outlets to which we can express the love of God. I was made to love in this day, for this day, and by this day. I'm embracing the gifts I have been given, and praising the Lord our God that there are so many positive things in this life. Times may be hard, and God knows we will struggle. There will be wars, political disputes, natural disasters, unexplained and undeserved murders, and so so many unkind actions. A lot of things don't make sense to us.. We progress through each day, and after something tragic occurs, we learn to pick ourselves up and let the wound scab over. But deep down, there's always a hole in our hearts full of spite for or against someone or something. Once we find God...... When we seek Him.... Can you even explain it to another person? The fire? The second you find yourself on your knees admitting everything you've never been able to accomplish. The lowest of lows. The top of humiliation. The moment you hate your heart, the words you've spoken, the mistakes you made. And suddenly, in the midst of the heavy storm of your absolute hopelessness, a wave of peace finds you. It's like you don't want to speak to anyone, because you feel so naive and peaceful. You just feel it. You understand; you realize how you've been forgiven. It's an immense relief, knowing what grace is.. I hope every person can experience this. God draws near to us, especially when we lose the motivation to move on a little further. 

So here we are, in this day.. This day we might unconsciously take for granted. Here we are, with a purpose burning in our hearts. Today is the day. God is moving. Revival is beginning. Praise our God on high for being everything we will never be. Holy is the Lord who has redeemed our lives; who gives us new lives, solely in the name of Love. 
God Bless. :) 


1 comment:

  1. I need to read this post every morning when I first wake up. WHat a gift. WHat a hopeful, loving gift. God BLess.
